Monday, July 22, 2013

How To: Dermal Anchors

How to insert Dermal arnchors, is it hard? is it easy? I would always suggest you get it professionally done, but just thought i blog about the procedures and how its done.
  • First things first, you must pick out a jewelry first. Theres alot of dermal anchors to choose from. Also alot of gems and balls to choose from. They are screwed on to the anchor so they can be changed whenever you want.
  • Ok, now that you got your jewelry, you must clean the area where you'll be placing the dermal anchors.Use a surgical scrub to clean the skin thoroughly.
  • Then you would mark the area with a surgical pen, where you would be placing them.
  • Using a dermal punch, you would remove the skin. (Others would prefer just using a piercing needle, which is more safer)
  • Then you would use a forcep and insert the micro dermal anchor, this will take some time, because you would be wanting it to sit tight, and not loose.
  • And your done~ Oh and the aftercare procedure is the most important after getting a piercing! dont want your new piercings to get infected..

Be sure to check out Piercedfish for all your dermal jewelry and tool needs!!!


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