Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ear Stretching Kit

The best way to stretch your ears is patiently and gently. People have different methods on how to stretch ears. I recommend people to stretch up slowly. Gently stretching the hole, and not to rush. Might as well be safe slowly stretching then to rush in to things and make it worst. Using a taper/expander or even a crescent. Push it in as far as it will easily go, then give it another twist and push, then stop. It should feel uncomfortable but not really painful. It shouldnt really 'hurt' , it definately shouldnt bleed, there should just be a warm glow in the lobe, very slightly painful. Go slowly, and Clean your fresh stretches at least once a day with saline solution (salt water).

 Dont forget to checkout Stretching Kits from , and the special coupon on the top for extra discount!


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